The Power of Connection

A few months ago, I was going through a not-so-great time in my life. In short, I was in a rut caused by a lot of different circumstances in my life. But I’m not here to recount that. I am here to share what I learned throughout this time and how I got out of … More The Power of Connection

Taking Up Space

Taking up space – the one thing I am terrible at and have to work on consistently. I never liked it when people took up too much space. When they sucked all the air out of the room and encroached on my personal bubble. As a response to this type of character, I spent my … More Taking Up Space

What If?

I’ve been thinking lately about what could have been. What would happen if I didn’t run in the opposite direction? What if I just took that one step? What if I was bold? What would my life look like if I had done certain things? I think we all get lost in the ‘what if?’ … More What If?


I used to believe that closure was a given. But, throughout the past few years, I have realized that that perspective was a tad naïve. If anything, closure is reserved for the lucky situations and more often than not, people never get the closure they deserve. Closure is not guaranteed, so why do we constantly … More Closure